New to chickens

birdlovin gal

15 Years
Apr 13, 2009
Western MA
Hi everyone,

I just got my first chickens on Saturday, six (hopefully) girls! They were hatched last Tuesday and were from TSC. They are doing great, and growing FAST...but I was wondering about when they feather out and start to show which breed of chicken they might be.

My girls will be pets only (I am allergic to birds and eggs) and I had hoped for a variety. They all look very similar to me. Is it too soon to tell? Thanks for your input... I am new to this.
Here is an image of my new girls.
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Thanks, I do love it here... I lurked around and did a lot of research before we got our new babies and I found this place to be the best for information. It will be really helpful when hubby & I build their coop. So many great ideas here!
I am new also...good to know a place that has all the answers.
I tried last year with 8 Buff Orps but they didn't survive the dog while the coop was being built...learned lots of lessons. coop is up and I bugged the feed store early this year and bought 20 Bar Rocks...1 escaped immiedately when moving in the house on a cold night..I din't even know it had gotten out of fort knox till I found its little body a day or two later.
I thought the feed store had miss counted and out of the remaining 19 only 8 turned out to be hens...should have stumbled across this site earlier and I could have sexed them...anyway..planning on eating all but 1 roo and will check the other threads to know when to do that. Thanks for a great site.
Thanks again for the warm welcome!

The girls should be safe, they are in a heated garage and in a giant dog crate for their brooder, so I don't have to worry about escapes (yet). My standard poodle pup and my old lab/golden X have met them and they are interested, but don't bother the girls at all.

So can anyone tell me when they might feather out and show their breed? TSC is brand new in my town, and they were not very knowledgeable about chicks....I should have told them to do some research here!

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