New to this


In the Brooder
Apr 5, 2024
As the title implies I am new to backyard chickens, but to go further I am also new to forums. Normally I wing it (pun intended) and figure things out as I go, I am a shoot from the hip kinda guy when it comes to the nitty gritty (haha I just bought chick grit). Anyway, my wife is the research and proceed expert and she's been researching chickens for awhile now... and then I came home to 4 chicks with a set up. After first purchasing a few things I stumbled into a Rabbit Hole and now everything on my search engines is chicken related. BYC seems like a better spot to get advice from people like us (new to the game) and from experts like y'all (those who qualify). So lets get this ball rolling and get some eggs in the skillet y'all!!!!

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