Now Have Better Pics - Any ideas?

Well, the white one has yellow legs. Not like a barred rock, but a little more subdued yellow. The white one's comb is a little lighter than hot pink, but still short. Looks like little bumps, but not very big (my first bantams, so I don't know what a comb for a bantam should look like size wise). The wings fall like a seabright's (down to the side, almost touching the floor).

Now, the brown one's comb is flesh colored/pale and shorter than the white one's comb. The brown one has greyish legs.

The lady who gave these to me when they were days old told me they were silkies...the white one was yellowish as a chick and the brown was always brown.
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I agree with the Mille Fleur D'uccle for the first one and a Black Tailed Japanese Bantam for the second and he does look like a young cockeral growing...

I see no silkie in them at all....
The brown one looks just like my Mille Fleur Belgian d'Uccle did as a baby. Is the white one small? Maybe it is a Serama. Seramas are the worlds smallest chicken, weighing less than a pound even as an adult. There are several classes - Class A is the smallest, Class B a little bigger. Seramas can come in any color. and their wings are held in the same position as Sebrights. If it doesn't turn out to be a BTW Jap, I would guess Serama.

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