Official BYC Poll: What Do You Do With Your Old/Retired Hens?

What Do You Do With Your Old/Retired Hens?

  • I retire them to garden duty (munching on bugs, fertilizing my soil, weed control etc)

    Votes: 73 38.8%
  • I keep them as pets allowing them to live out their days

    Votes: 142 75.5%
  • I sell them

    Votes: 12 6.4%
  • I rehome them/ give them away

    Votes: 17 9.0%
  • I use them for brooding

    Votes: 30 16.0%
  • I process them for the pot

    Votes: 19 10.1%
  • I humanely cull & dispose of them

    Votes: 7 3.7%
  • My hens die before reaching "hentirement"

    Votes: 21 11.2%
  • Other (elaborate in a reply below)

    Votes: 5 2.7%

  • Total voters
I sell off most of my hens to free up coop space for the youngers, but I did keep one hen to the age of 8 years old. She was the last of my first flock and I owe so much to her! But I had to humanly cull her because she was struggling. I don't expect to keep another hen so long again, but I don't regret keeping Dana.
My chickens are still just a few months older than a year old, and I know their plan for life ( if my parents agree) They will simply live out their life until they peacefully pass on their own. If they are sick and are suffering, then I will take them to the vet to be put down. I love my chickens, and have no intentions of ever culling them.
More than five of our first flock of chickens lived to be 7+ years old. Our last girl from that batch is 8 years old and has cankles, a Speckled Sussex named Suki. We don't think she has ever layed an egg. She is first to the food dish and last to leave. She now puts herself away in a next box or on the hay floor of our smallest coop (where some of our banties go to bed). The other two pictures are Poof the Egger, age 7 and the perfect first chicken my daughter had (who layed her first egg the Friday before Easter 2013) ... The buff Silkie Fluffy. She was hit by a hawk at age 7+ but was still healthy. We miss her!
Poof!! 🥰🥰🥰
My chickens are still just a few months older than a year old, and I know their plan for life ( if my parents agree) They will simply live out their life until they peacefully pass on their own. If they are sick and are suffering, then I will take them to the vet to be put down. I love my chickens, and have no intentions of ever culling them.
Me too
Here they are my pets, so they can live out their days here. Yes we use and sell their eggs and such but they do so much for us… including entertainment!! That I fell they deserve to stay. I’ve also got a few special needs birds who don’t have a “job” except for just being bossy and sassy to the rest of the flock 😂

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