Old favorite hen acting odd and smells terrible!



8 Years
7 Years
Jun 1, 2016
My very old hen I found this morning laying in the weeds and tall grass sleeping and all the sudden she became very alert walked towards me and fell over I picked her up and she felt very thin and a horrible smell came from her I believe back side. I put her in the coop she ate a little. But I think she went back to the tall grass area to lay down. What could possibly be wrong with her?! I've had her for years and she's always been a very healthy chicken
My very old hen I found this morning laying in the weeds and tall grass sleeping and all the sudden she became very alert walked towards me and fell over I picked her up and she felt very thin and a horrible smell came from her I believe back side. I put her in the coop she ate a little. But I think she went back to the tall grass area to lay down. What could possibly be wrong with her?! I've had her for years and she's always been a very healthy chicken

Could be I wonder how I could find out?
There's no way for us to know, it's just all speculation on our part until you can give more info.

Go out there, gather her up and examine her. Find out where the smell is coming from, look at her vent, are there maggots, is there a yeasty discharge, lice/mites?
What's her crop like?
Is she pooping, what's that like?
Inspect her closely for injury, etc.

If she's falling over, then offer her some water with electrolytes. Once she's drinking, then offer a bit of wet mash.

Photos of hen, vent, poop, etc. are always welcome.
I second everything @Wyorp Rock has told you. You need to pick up your hen, take her in the house, wash off all dirt and grime and poop and dry her off. Then look her over head to tail to bottoms of .feet, including inside her mouth and throat. Use a flashlight to see well. Make note of everything you see, smell, where the smell is coming from (not a general she-smells), and take photos of anything you think is not normal. Photos should include closeups and long shots for context. A photo of her poop is also good.

If you weather has been very hot, that could be a factor. If there has been any stressing factor such as a recent predator attack, that's a factor. These things all provide clues.

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