opened the incubator to see early please!


8 Years
May 7, 2011
I have 8 Muscovies in the incubator. I took a quick peek last night with an LED just to make sure they were all still moving in there, and they were. No internal pips, I figured we were on schedule for Wednesday lockdown. Today is only day 30. I open the incubator tonight as if I was turning them (which I'm not anymore because all of the air cells have grown and sloped to one side. I can see shadows against the air cell) and after checking a couple of the eggs (still no internal pips for those, yet) I noticed that one of them had an EXTERNAL PIP!!!!!!
Did I just shrinkwrap my baby???? I quickly closed the incubator and now I am a nervous wreck....absolutely no more opening it, but what the heck should I do??? Why is this one so ahead of schedule?? and what should I do?? look for??? HELP PLEASE?????
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First of all, don't panic. I open my incubator all the time during the hatch. If you're that worried about ruining your humidity, slip a warm, wet washcloth in there to keep it up or spray the sides and bottom with warm water. I'm sure the duckling that pipped is fine.
OK. Thanks
I managed to rewet the washcloth that was in there, by pouring water through one of the small air openings in the top earlier. Should I be worried that it pipped so early?? When I accidentally noticed it, it didn't look like the duckling was completely filling the air cell.
You will probably hate me...but I don't have a humidity reader.
This is my first time incubating and I was judging my humidity by the size progression of the air cells. I have heard so many different things about what the humidity should be for different people, that I don't even know what I would have been looking for. I noticed the eggs moving a few days ago, and the air cells seemed to be a lot bigger than they had when I previously candled...I started to think maybe the humidity was too low, so I stuck a couple warm wet washcloths in there to raise it up. Before I knew it, the windows were starting to fog up a little. I ended up taking one out. Yesterday morning, I had water dripping from the top when I opened the lid, so I took the other washcloth out and am now down to one. I was planning to add another one at lockdown to keep it cozy in there, but I think I missed my lockdown window because one of my babies has pipped early. I am so afraid to open the lid again...Can the humidity be too high for hatching?? Would it be better for me to quickly stick another washcloth in there or just leave it closed? It's too late to go back and do anything differently...what should I do now?
Ok stop kicking yourself and go to Petco and get the thermometer/hygrometer set they have for reptiles. Best ever!!! For your next hatch.

For THIS hatch, to have one pip that soon, it was probably under a broody or your temps are on the high side. You are lucky they are ducks, as ducks need a higher humidity to hatch well. I would leave it for now. Dripping inside is way too high. I think you are good now, but if some drown, just learn from this. Hatching is a fine art not mastered well the first time out.

I have killed so many chicks from trying to find the right balance for ME and where I live. You may need a few hatches to find the same for YOU. Don't beat yourself up. We all go through it.
Still no external pips from the other ones yet this that a good thing? I read that they should start to zip by 48 hours post pip. Does this one have a chance since it is so early?
ok...walking away and trying to keep busy elsewhere...I have a ton of laundry to do. LOL I have to put the brooder together. Didn't expect babies until this weekend!

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