Pinkish/pale comb over past couple weeks


Oct 2, 2020

I have a blue andulusian (11 months) who has been much paler in the past couple weeks. Now, the temperature and humidity here has spiked recently (central Florida) and this hen has always been sensitive to heat, for whatever reason; strange, since the breed is supposedly heat tolerant. This girl will pant at 80 while none of the others do, and she’s been holding out her wings a lot recently (we’ve had highs of 98+). She acts fine - eats and drinks, lays every day, is very loud - besides being less active during the hot parts of the day. She just used to have a much redder comb, like her sister (same breed), who is as red as can be. Is the heat stress what’s causing her paleness?


P.s. any tips for control the humid summer heat would be appreciated!

I have a blue andulusian (11 months) who has been much paler in the past couple weeks. Now, the temperature and humidity here has spiked recently (central Florida) and this hen has always been sensitive to heat, for whatever reason; strange, since the breed is supposedly heat tolerant. This girl will pant at 80 while none of the others do, and she’s been holding out her wings a lot recently (we’ve had highs of 98+). She acts fine - eats and drinks, lays every day, is very loud - besides being less active during the hot parts of the day. She just used to have a much redder comb, like her sister (same breed), who is as red as can be. Is the heat stress what’s causing her paleness?


P.s. any tips for control the humid summer heat would be appreciated!
Sounds like she is doing alright, eating, drinking and doing chicken things are all good signs. I also have one hen who looks a little bit paler in the heat, I wouldn’t say that is too abnormal. But you could post a pic of her if you’re doubting it is normal and we could take a look. Continue to monitor her, especially in the high heat and humidity. We live in a rather dry area, so I’m not too helpful tip-wise, but I would suggest having lots of shady areas available, as well as a little frozen fruit for extra hydration. Fans would help, too. We spray down every area the chickens are in twice a day with the hose in the summer months for an evaporative cooling effect. Sometimes we let the water run and form a little stream for them to walk through. If their feet are cooled off, that seems to help them be cooler in general. Little pools or shallow dishes of cool water for them to step in may help.

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