PLEASE ANSWER!!! Are leghorns good chickens?


🙄🤚 Loving life 💜
May 3, 2019
I am going to get rid of a male silkie for a leghorn. The leghorns are in a group of about 15, just leghorns. I have a flock that has all sorts of different breeds, the only that are the same are the two Ayam Cemanis. They are all an inch smaller than the leghorns except for my almost 2 year old Cornish cross and barred rock rooster. Will the leghorn girls try to hurt my chickens? They don’t seem to peck at each other at all.

Another thing, this will be my first leghorn. Are they nice hens? I know they lay good eggs. I wanna mix them with my rooster, will they most likely hatch and in an incubator after being bred? And, if you have any share the good and bad things about them.

Thanks for everybody’s help!
I like them, I had one that was the only hen laying in the winter, and their eggs are large and white. I don't have any currently, but I have blue andelusians, another breed that was the only one laying in winter, once, BA lay a large white egg also. White eggs make the other colors pop!
I like them. Great egg layers. What are you asking? Are they aggressive? Individuals in every breed can be aggressive or submissive. Depends on the chicken.

Follow the integration guides when combining flocks or introductions. I agree with Aart. Can you get a pair or triple?
Leghorn Roosters are meaner than junkyard dogs, lol. The hens are flighty. I have mixed breed leghorns to try to calm them down but they love to fly in your face. All of our other birds come running to us excited to see us, calmly clucking at us; and then there's the leghorn hens flying around all wound up like cats in a car, lol. :lau
I think my Derpy is a Leghorn

Her name is an accurate description. She's a total derp. Has a crooked tail. Tries to fly onto things that are too tall, bounces off. Sometimes loses sight of the flock and freaks out. Dust bathe so much she'll look like a brown hen. Lost half her comb to frostbite before we got her.
Lays the biggest eggs I've ever seen, but she's our tinniest bird. They don't fit right in jumbo size cartons!

Other than being so goofy, I'd say she's a good hen. Maybe more flighty than the old fat hens? But also very willing to let me catch and hold her. No attitude issues. Faithful layer, and not picky about a nest or other hens in the coop, she'll find anything soft to leave me the rent on. She readily accepted the rooster when he arrived, older hens didn't.
I like them. Great egg layers. What are you asking? Are they aggressive? Individuals in every breed can be aggressive or submissive. Depends on the chicken.

Follow the integration guides when combining flocks or introductions. I agree with Aart. Can you get a pair or triple?
My birds accept everyone, had to do it with em, asking if leghorns are aggressive
I had 3 White Leghorn hens, which I got as chicks. My wife & I handled them a great deal, while they were growing up. They were very tame, not flighty & we could pick them up at will, with no fighting. When we gave them some treats, they would fly up to our extended arm to receive them. After about 2 1/2 - 3 years, we lost 2 of them, both to egg yolk peritonitis. They all laid an egg, almost every day of their lives. Therein is probably the only problem with chickens bred to eat, eat, eat and lay, lay, lay. I think they tend to live shorter lives than chickens, which aren't programmed like this. Our remaining leghorn hen, which is now 3 1/2 years old, still lays an egg almost every day. For people who mainly just want eggs, I highly recommend Leghorns. However, all our chickens, are pets, which get a lot of attention, & this plays a large part in how they act.
My birds accept everyone, had to do it with em, asking if leghorns are aggressive
I’ve had 8 from Ideal. They got along with the others. We handled them & they are good. Lost 3 to reproductive issues like Bruster said.

Mine are the top hens & keep everyone straight. I wouldn’t say they are aggressive.

Best wishes

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