Please help me ID my 4 new girls


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 29, 2007

The 2 young ones - about 6 months old


This white one is the head of the pecking order and hogs the nest, but doesn't seem to lay.


The one gave me my first egg
did you get the 2 orange/red ones with the eglu? if so i'd say a ms.pepperpot or something like that - its a mutt of a rhode island red and something else its genetically designed to be an egg laying machine. the one that is on the bottom looks like a barred rock. idk about the white one
Thanks rosyposyosy!

I didn't get any chickens with the Eglu as I am in Canada. A friend allowed us to take 4 of her chickens, so we took what we could catch (comical).

So, the more bleached the legs, the older the bird?

They are not laying like I would have hoped, but it is still early. I picked them up on Sunday. I know they need some time to acclimatize, but how much time? The barred one gave me my first couple of eggs. I think one of the young reds laid the last couple of eggs. In total I have had 5 eggs since Sunday.
The second one is not a Columbian Wyandotte since it has a Single Comb, but it could be a few different breeds and I dont know much about Columbian Rocks and Light Sussex, or other Columbian birds. The first 2 are definitely Red SexLinks and the last one does look like a Barred Rock. The Whole Cuckoo Maran and Barred Rock thing is confusing. Marans have White legs and their barring is kind of messy. Barred Rocks have Yellow legs and more defined barring.

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