Porcelain color

Ok....how many have actually bred lavender to mille to get the porcelain?

I ran it through the Chicken Calculator, and granted, I'm not the best at using the thing, but I matched the lav roo to a mille hen, crossed the resulting offspring to each other and the odds of getting properly marked porcelain offspring is 2 in 512. (One male, one female.)

Are the odds really that slim?! What if I don't get any, what would be my best second choice?

This is going to take forever....I haven't even made proper Mille Fleur yet! (That's going to take at least 2 generations, too.)
Yup, creating true porcelain is no easy feat, but as I always say - nothing is impossible. It takes A LOT of hatching and culling until you get there. Plan some massive hatches in early spring and be ready to rehome a ton of chicks that don't meet the cut.
yep, any lavender based pattern takes 3 years or so to get any kind of numbers to them. The actual percentage is in the bottom section of the caluclator though.
Once you do the cross, scroll all the way down, look at each male and female, it will give you the percentage of the offspring there, will be a lot better all in all than 2 in 512
People working on the porcelains, what base color Millies are you using? People use eWh based eb based ect I was wondering if one base has shown more promise than another, what base are you using and what have been your results?

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