Possible eye problems on Muscovy duck


6 Years
May 13, 2018
The 'too much sunshine' sunshine state
As I went out to check on my ducks this evening, I realized one of my girls has a strange thing going on with her eyes. The right one is worse...I really dont know what to call it.

I'm not necessarily worried, since shes acting fine, but I dont want this to get worse if it is an actual problem.

Pictures: (shes an about year old Muscovy duck)


They arent watery or bubbly



This picture is pretty bad, but what's going on with her right eye is essentially whats wrong with her left, it's just less.

Can any one explain what is up with her eyes?
Frustratingly shes one of my unfriendly ducks, and she flew off when I put her down, and I dont coop them (they're muscovies who can all fly. I live in a neighborhood where theres nearly no predators) so I cant do anything tonight, if its suggested I need to step in.
I'm unsure if it's something about her 3rd eyelid...on the left eye she was 'blinking' her 3rd eyelid and it almost made the 'thing' disappear...

She'll should be there for food tomorrow so I will see how her eyes look then, unless it isnt something to worry about.

I just see something off and I never want to be ignorant and have any harm my ducks. Hope I'm not over-worrying :p
Thank you for the post, I checked on her eye today and it looked about the same, if not a little better. So at least it hasn't gotten worse.

Instead of supplying a pool we just let them swim in the creek that's in the area they live in, but I have been treating their drinking water with ACV. I did that a while ago, stopped because I was lazy, but now I'm in the habit again because one of my ducks developed a sneeze/cough a week or two ago. (which thankfully has cleared up)
But thank you for letting me know! I'll have to remember that in case their living situations (aka if we move) should ever change. :)
Thank you for the post, I checked on her eye today and it looked about the same, if not a little better. So at least it hasn't gotten worse.

Instead of supplying a pool we just let them swim in the creek that's in the area they live in, but I have been treating their drinking water with ACV. I did that a while ago, stopped because I was lazy, but now I'm in the habit again because one of my ducks developed a sneeze/cough a week or two ago. (which thankfully has cleared up)
But thank you for letting me know! I'll have to remember that in case their living situations (aka if we move) should ever change. :)
Your doing awesome then! you must love your ducks

iam sure she gets her whole head in the drinking water anyway! Mine sure doo:gig

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