Possible to add just 2 chicks to integrate into larger flock?


6 Years
Feb 17, 2018
Rhode Island
We have a wonderful flock of 5 hens that have been amazing for the last 2 years. We'd like to add a couple more but realistically we only have room enough in the coop for 2 more because we still want them to have plenty of space, etc.

We have a great plan to raise the chicks and integrate them slowly and steadily but I'm worried that raising just two as opposed to 3+ might not be as good for the chicks as they're such community birds.

Can anyone with a bit more experience weigh in here? Is adding 2 OK assuming we have a strong integration plan? Or is starting just 2 off together too lonely for the chicks?

Thanks so much!
Two together will be completely fine and they should be able to integrate into your existing flock just as well as more than 2 would. However I'm assuming you want 2 pullets only and even with sexed chicks there is always a small possibility of an accidental cockerel. There is also a small possibility of something happening to only one of the chicks as baby chicks are more likely to succumb to illness and injury, which could leave you with one lonely chick.
Would it be possible to get maybe 4 chicks and rehome 2 once they are off heat?
Perhaps compromise, raise three or four in a "look, don't touch" area, such as the coop of your older flock in a large dog crate or other cage. Raise them in there the entire time, from day-old chicks to 5 or 6 weeks. You'll be integrating them this entire time as the older flock will get to the point of totally ignoring the chicks. The first couple of outings that your chicks have with the big girls should be completely supervised.
Assuming that all of the chicks grew to this age without mishaps, determine how you wish to deal with any cockerels. Will you be trading a young cockerel for an existing rooster? Your original post didn't mention roosters but thought I'd mention the possibility, so... If not, cull or re-home, or raise for meat. Of the remaining chicks, pick the strongest two pullets to keep and cull or re-home the other(s).
We'd definitely focus on getting just ladies and because we keep the hens for eggs and as pets I would never and could never imagine culling or giving any away. It sounds like raising 2 together would work just fine for them so I'll begin looking into where I can get the sexed chicks. Thanks for your advice!

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