

12 Years
May 6, 2007
I have had more trouble out of possums. The possum chewed a hole through my barn wall and ate one of my silky hens. I fixed the hole only to have it come back and eat another hen. Before I could get that hole fixed it came back again and ate the last hen. My poor rooster was in the barn with the hen and I came to save it and the darned thing was in there eating the last hen and my rooster was cowering in a corner. I never even knew a possum would eat my chickens. Well my cousin was with me and I had a floodlight in my hand. I froze the possum with the light and he grabbed an ax.....the possum is gone now and I never even felt a moment's guilt for killing it. So this got me started on buying more chicks.....still don't know what MM sent me as I am a novice. So I have 25 chicks that are now 10 weeks old (one is beginning to crow already) well maybe that is a stretch it makes some weird noise that sounds like metal grinding on metal. Anyway I also went to a local auction last friday and bought 5 royal palm turkey babies and 4 more silky chicks. So far no trouble with possums but one has been on my front porch lately and is looking to go the way of its cousin. Hopefully not so violently this time ! I forgot to mention I work 12 hour shifts and on this particular day had actually worked 24 hours before I could get to the barn to save my poor chickens. Y'all reckon I might be hooked?
I would invest in a trap and set it up near your barn. I keep two set and baited in two places. I use a exlarge garbage can filled with water and when I catch one I send it swimming cage & all. I have lost many a chicken before I got my traps. I catch about 6 possums and 8 r 9 raccoons a year. We caught a young male raccoon about a month ago. Florida has problems with them having rabies and its against the law to let them back loose.
Hi I didn't realize opossums could chew threw the wood. Here I thought I was safe with a wooed floor. Its lasted over a year now but now that you have had trouble I'm worried. We live in Florida too but I haven't seen any raccoons around. I try not to let any food get left out to attract any predators and my chickens are in a raised coop with a wooden floor Now I'm wondering if I should put wire around the coop in a trench. We lost our first chickens to opossums. They tore through the wire and came in over the top We wold fix one hole in the yard and they would make another. We finally completely redid the coop and yard after losing 8 chickens. Its very frustrating when you think you have done everything you can and they still get in.
I have a wood floor as well and have never had any trouble with it. I have had more problems with a raccoon climbing my fence and geting under the netting top. A have-a-heart trap fixed that. I think every chicken owner should have a trap set all the time, I haven't had problems with 'coons or possums since.
we lost 6 chickens a couple years ago to possums when we lived on 200 acres..
we were renting a 100 year old farmhouse and they had decided to make a nest under there...we used traps and my landlord did them in...

we are now on 1/3 acre in a neighborhood in our own home and have dug a 2 foot trench around the coop and put the wire down in there, then poured cement....hopefully nothing can dig under that! i don't think there are possums here though. plus this neighborhood has lots of dogs running around. our yard is 100% fenced on all sides though, so that helps...

sorry about your hens...possums are ugly and cruel predators..
Well, one strategy that would definitely work would be to run a road through your backyard & have someone drive back and forth really fast during the night hours.

Sorry! Couldn't resist that!
Seriously, would a motion detecting spot light work to keep them away? Good to know about possums. We have a million of them up here (if the road kill is any indication!) & I didn't know they ate chickens!
I was so upset when I lost my hens. I had always hated/feared chickens until I got them. Then they were so friendly and wanting to be petted. I loved all of them and my poor rooster is still traumatized. I am waiting for my little baby silkies to grow up so they can keep him company. Right now he is with the Guineas and seems to be ok with their company. I let them free range from about 4pm until they put themselves away at night. I feel so guilty when I am gone and can't let them out. This summer we are rebuilding the coop where the possum got in. I have alot more chickens to think about now. Funny though that possum never once offered to mess with the Guineas.

Well, one strategy that would definitely work would be to run a road through your backyard & have someone drive back and forth really fast during the night hours.

OMG, that is hysterical!
To quote from Field of Dreams, "If you build it, they will come"

I am sorry for your losses, cheepchicks. I hope you get the other possum soon. The possum is likely afraid of the noise the guineas make, not to mention their size.​

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