Previously healthy, 40-day old chicks dying!


In the Brooder
Jan 4, 2023
I've just had two deaths, one yesterday and one that's still breathing but doesn't look like he's gonna make it this morning.

All of these chicks are Brahmas I've had for more than a month, all extremely healthy and active.
They're being brooded on pine-shavings and sand underneath the coop (there's another younger group of chicks inside the coop). I've partway blocked around the brooder with cardboard to block and harsh winds, and put a box under the heat lamp (150W).
Current outside temperatures range from 25-35C, but the entire fenced-in area is under a shading tree.
They are fed with un-medicated feed


The black one, who is currently dying, used to splay his legs out while eating. Though when I'd test out his ability to walk/run he was completely fine. I assumed it was just an odd thing he did, I'm not sure if it is relevant.
I have tried feeding him directly but he is unresponsive, he just breathes quickly and kicks from time-to-time.
The first one that died was perfectly healthy as far as I know.

I have had chick deaths before but they were much, much younger and from a totally separate group than these. Up until now, not a single one of my Brahmas had died.
Also worth noting: I had a fever and throat infection in the past two weeks.
When I had it pretty bad I limited my interaction to cleaning the brooder and the feeder/wateres. Could I have infected them?
Also worth noting: I had a fever and throat infection in the past two weeks.
When I had it pretty bad I limited my interaction to cleaning the brooder and the feeder/wateres. Could I have infected
I doubt you could have infected them.

I see that some of the cardboard looks like it’s been pecked at or eaten. How are their crops?

I know I’m posting late. Do you have any updates?

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