Pullet feels very bloated and squishy


8 Years
Oct 27, 2011
We have a Blue Copper Marans Pullet that has an extremely squishy body. I don't usually pick her up but last night I did for other reasons and instead of the hard compact body like all my other Marans and other breeds, this one had the grossist squishiest feel to her body. My husband equated it to a pregnancy ladies swollen ankles. It was almost like gooey fat or something. Is there something wrong with her? Worms? She does have dijon mustard poop that is on the runnier side and her backend has lots of poo on her feathers.
Sounds like she is retaining fluid (ascites) for some reason. Please tell us about any other symptoms. Is she eating/drinking OK? What are you feeding her? Is she able to walk normally? Additional information might help. Can you post pictures of her and your other hens?
I will post some pics tomorrow as it is too dark tonight. The thing is that she doesn't look like something is wrong from the outside. (At least I don't think so). Her poo is yellow and sometimes has a little bit of bubbles to it. I will try to get a picture of that too. She seemingly eats and drinks fine. She lays eggs about every other day which as always been normal for her. I have tried to hatch out some of her eggs and I have had three of hers that have died within the first 3 days for very strange reasons...they almost acted as if they were blind or couldn't see well. The rest of the chicks from other hens have never died on me or have had any other problems only some of hers.

She socializes well and acts very normal, walks fine, runs away from the rooster fine :) and comes running when she sees me. The only thing she did that drove me crazy was lay eggs on the ground. I finally got her broken of that issue but other than that she acts like a normal chicken.

She eats a layer pellet with the rest of the chickens with oyster shell on the side. I do give them veggie scraps, etc every few days. I give a vitamin supplement in their water every other time I fill it up and I have also been putting a little raw apple cider vinegar in it also for worms. Periodically we throw some hay down for them to scratch through and they have one of those scratch blocks in the coop.

I'm not sure what other areas to expound on as she acts completely normal, just feels squishy...

I will try to add the pictures tomorrow.

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