Quail bleeding feathers/ feather loss

Also, our water line had bacteria in it for the past few days and we didn't have sun either (I disinfect water dishes using the sun's heat for at least an hour), so that made the bacteria build up. Other than the coccidiosis I'm treating, that seems like a big factor in their weight loss. They seemed to be gaining weight before that and do feel slightly heavier today.
No, I didn't see any mites anymore (thank God) but I did spray their cage with a bug spray that included fleas and ticks last week. I spray them and their things with garlic spray when I suspect mites.

I want to get everything I can for my quails, but I don't have much money as a kid (I spent it on the quails) and my parents are in a financial situation because of the virus.

I will definitely try out the eggs. It did get hot today (first time it's been 90 F in a week). I just hope it doesn't spoil and that they eat it all.
Mites don't just disappear. Just because you don't see them, that doesn't mean that they're gone.

Garlic doesn't do anything about mites.

I realize that you're trying to do your best here, but it's really not enough. You're not prepared to take care of them. I'm going to say for the last time, please rehome them with someone who can take care of them.

You might want to hang out in the quail section and learn before you get any more.
Also, our water line had bacteria in it for the past few days and we didn't have sun either (I disinfect water dishes using the sun's heat for at least an hour), so that made the bacteria build up. Other than the coccidiosis I'm treating, that seems like a big factor in their weight loss. They seemed to be gaining weight before that and do feel slightly heavier today.
Do you have other pets besides quail?
No, we used to have a cat but my older siblings took care of it. My dad took care of parakeets when I was a baby so I don't remember much. From the stories I've heard, he got two and they had kids that kept dying no matter how much he took care of them. But we still had a lot (I think 30 the last I remember). I'm taking care of the quail with little to no guidance.

Also, my quail seem to have gotten coccidiosis last week, they seem to have gotten better from the garlic-acv water, but their poop is yellow (I found out online that it is bacteria).
The fourth one (always seems to get sick), has really dry skin that's flaking off and his butt is bloody...
How about giving them some crushed, boiled egg?
And did you also get some Ivermectin to treat those mites?
They don't want to try the egg. Never were a fan of any type of snacks. They seem to only like the crumbles I give them. I hope they like the chick starter when it comes.
Mites don't just disappear. Just because you don't see them, that doesn't mean that they're gone.

Garlic doesn't do anything about mites.

I realize that you're trying to do your best here, but it's really not enough. You're not prepared to take care of them. I'm going to say for the last time, please rehome them with someone who can take care of them.

You might want to hang out in the quail section and learn before you get any more.
As you said, I really am trying. I managed to get an order of permethrin, couldn't find a small amount of Ivermectin. I don't know anybody who knows much about birds in general. One person did get quail just last year, and they only have three. I don't want to bother them with my sick birds, especially since they don't know much themselves.

If I could get some advice on how to help these birds, that would really help. My mom said we should eat them by winter if I really can't take care of them.
As you said, I really am trying. I managed to get an order of permethrin, couldn't find a small amount of Ivermectin. I don't know anybody who knows much about birds in general. One person did get quail just last year, and they only have three. I don't want to bother them with my sick birds, especially since they don't know much themselves.

If I could get some advice on how to help these birds, that would really help. My mom said we should eat them by winter if I really can't take care of them.
i have to say that your mom makes a good point, however, you need to make sure they are healthy and happy in the meantime. all of my birds are spoiled rotten up until the point that they are invited to dinner.
you should make sure they have a good complete nutrition feed with 10% treats (mealworms, veggies, fruit etc) and they will be much healthier and happier regardless of the end result. (pets and/or food)
crumbles??? what type of crumbles, i don’t recall you mentioning these before??
The one that I make from peas, corn, oats/rice, and sesame seeds. It may not be the best, but they seem to take no interest in any treat I give them, be it fruit peels, berries, or eggs (I gave them eggs today from @Nabiki 's suggestion. They mostly ignored it and stepped in it; only after some time one of them picked at it but they continued eating just feed and sand. I might have to mix the store bought feed into mine slowly. Good thing they do like electrolyte water.

Also, I used a flashlight on their cage right now (midnight) and I didn't see anything {I hope it's all good) but they seem to have woken up by my flashlight. They were all sleeping by the edge of the cage (where I checked). It is 90 F today. I usually put a blanket over the cage on cold nights.

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