Quail Chick's Leg is Backwards


In the Brooder
Feb 12, 2021
Hi there, I have a quail chick who is a couple weeks old, and they seem to have what looks like their "ankle" is going the completely wrong direction? Or maybe it's the hip - just can't seem to figure this one out! It's not a splayed leg though, I know that much. I noticed it's right leg was going out to the side so I did try splinting it's legs together at first, but it didn't do any good, in fact the issue just got worse. It still gets around.. eats, drinks.. but it's right leg is now pointing backwards, and I'm not sure if I can do anything to help it. Can't say for sure, but it doesn't seem to be in discomfort, it's not chirping or anything, but its so hard to tell.. wish they could tell me! Leg is all bent outta shape though, and I'm wondering if anyone can please point me in the right direction. I'd cull it, but I have one other quail chick (they were incubated under my chickens) who is it's only friend and I don't want it to be alone. :( Anything you might have to offer would be greatly appreciated. :) Thanks in advance!


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That looks like it is a deformity, Varus/valgus is usually when it is knock kneed or bow legged. This looks like the hock and hip are both deformed, as well as the long bone between them. If it’s getting around ok, and doesn’t seem in pain, it could live a semi normal life, just consider its limitations with housing and feeding choices.
I was thinking that it looks like injury to me. Unless you're willing to pay for corrective surgery, that poor thing isn't going to get better.

If it's getting around, and its quality of life appears to be good, what you do is up to you.

If it seems to be suffering and not able to get to food and water, I would cull.
P.S. One thing I forgot to mention - she seemed "okay" for the first few days, she was just moving a little slower than the other, and had a bit more of a crouched down stance. I just thought her legs needed to be stretched out a bit, and upon inspection seemed normal - at first. Few days later, she (it) was "not okay".
Hi there, I have a quail chick who is a couple weeks old, and they seem to have what looks like their "ankle" is going the completely wrong direction? Or maybe it's the hip - just can't seem to figure this one out! It's not a splayed leg though, I know that much. I noticed it's right leg was going out to the side so I did try splinting it's legs together at first, but it didn't do any good, in fact the issue just got worse. It still gets around.. eats, drinks.. but it's right leg is now pointing backwards, and I'm not sure if I can do anything to help it. Can't say for sure, but it doesn't seem to be in discomfort, it's not chirping or anything, but its so hard to tell.. wish they could tell me! Leg is all bent outta shape though, and I'm wondering if anyone can please point me in the right direction. I'd cull it, but I have one other quail chick (they were incubated under my chickens) who is it's only friend and I don't want it to be alone. :( Anything you might have to offer would be greatly appreciated. :) Thanks in advance!
It could probably live a good life as long as he/she can get food and water by themselves. I have a chicken with a similar condition, and he does well, he just is separated from the other chickens.
Many years ago, I hatched bobwhites from GQF. With my income tax refund, I bought the whole setup from them--eggs, brooder, etc. One bird hatched that had the same type of leg problem. There was also a runt one, so I kept both inside as pets, while eventually releasing the others. The one with the bad leg lived for quite a while . . . can't remember exactly how long . . . but I always felt it put more pressure on her heart to move around the way she did, and that's probably why she had a shorter life. Yet she seemed quite content with her life.

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