Question about Rhode Island Red life span


10 Years
Jul 30, 2011
Due to my job, I work about 8 hours away from my animals who include a small flock of chickens. About a week and a half ago, my husband told me that my beloved Rhode Island Red rooster, Wooster, had passed on. He turned 6 in September and was such a sweet and special boy. Wooster was not a typical rooster. He was a sweetheart and was good to his hens and to people, especially to me.

I know that my husband didn't take care of them as well as I had and do when I'm able to visit but hope that it wasn't due to his or my negligence. I read that the average life span for Rhode Island Reds is 4-8 years, and 6 falls in that range, so I suppose that wasn't bad.

Around Thanksgiving, while I was still overseas, my eldest RIR hen passed on. She was also 6 years old.

Can anyone tell me if that life span is accurate?

Thank you.
Yes, 6 is average for RIR in my experience.
He looks happy, and I am sure in chicken Valhalla he is telling stories of how good you were to him.
Like all of us, I to am sorry for your loss.
Thank you Willow and 20736. That helps ease some of my guilt and sorrow. Here's another one of my boy and me (summer 2010). It looks like I was handling him roughly but I wasn't. : -) I would always give him kisses on his neck and wattles. : -)

Thank you Willow and 20736. That helps ease some of my guilt and sorrow. Here's another one of my boy and me (summer 2010). : -)
hi, I have 6 hens that i raised from chicks that are all approaching 6 years. no - they don't lay many eggs - maybe 1 a month or so. no - they aren't quite as fluffy and soft as they used to be.
no- they aren't very spritey and lively. But, i do love them and I feel for your loss.

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