raising ducklings


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2024
all of my ducklings hatched and i have now switched them to the brooder any tips?


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What type of tips are you looking for? There are thousands of threads on byc on raising babies. Looks like you have a good set-up. If you have specific questions, let us know!
all of my ducklings hatched and i have now switched them to the brooder any tips?
If this is your first time with ducklings then know that they just love to sht in their water bowl, bathe in it, and then drink in it. Not a huge problem at this age, but its good to have a good water dispenser once they get older.
do u have any tips on bonding with them?
I have 9- 2 week old ducklings and it was just until yesterday that they ate out of our hands. I talk to them ALL the time. They are also in my living room in a big pen so I can talk to them, they can hear the TV, the family and the dogs. They now are responding when I talk to them.

They are sooooooooooooooooo messy with water. I have tried numerous ways to keep the water at bay and I gave up. I clean their water bowl 3 times a day. When I read they are messy, it truly doesn't bring to light the severity of their mess with water. But they are ducks...

Be patient with them. :)
When my ducks are babies I brood them in my kitchen, so they are constantly near me or my family. I spend a lot of time every day holding them, talking to them, cleaning up after them, and basicallty making them happy. That bonds them to you. Ducks will never be like dogs or cats, loving to get picked up and pet, but with time spent your reward will be knowing your ducks aren't afraid of you, run to you for treats, and if you're lucky you might have a couple who don't mind standing still to be touched.
What are you using as Beeding?
How old are your ducklings?
Is the duckling by itself OK?
Can they get away from the heat?
What breed are they?
I hold my ducklings every time I have a minute or I sit with them talking and with my hand in their pen playing with the food and water and touching them, it gets them use too my hands in a way that they are okay with
Good luck with your babies
What are you using as Beeding?
How old are your ducklings?
Is the duckling by itself OK?
Can they get away from the heat?
What breed are they?
I hold my ducklings every time I have a minute or I sit with them talking and with my hand in their pen playing with the food and water and touching them, it gets them use too my hands in a way that they are okay with
Good luck with your babies
im currently using pine bedding but i dont like how small the shavings are so i will be getting bigger shavings just thats all i could get at the time they are 2 days old and the ducklings is okay in the back they had moved closer to the heat lamp and he was asleep they are mallards and yes they have a space away from heat and thank u for the tips!
When my ducks are babies I brood them in my kitchen, so they are constantly near me or my family. I spend a lot of time every day holding them, talking to them, cleaning up after them, and basicallty making them happy. That bonds them to you. Ducks will never be like dogs or cats, loving to get picked up and pet, but with time spent your reward will be knowing your ducks aren't afraid of you, run to you for treats, and if you're lucky you might have a couple who don't mind standing still to be touched.
okay thank you i have them in my bedroom because i have cats and spend alot of time with them appreciate the tips!
im currently using pine bedding but i dont like how small the shavings are so i will be getting bigger shavings just thats all i could get at the time they are 2 days old and the ducklings is okay in the back they had moved closer to the heat lamp and he was asleep they are mallards and yes they have a space away from heat and thank u for the tips!
When they are less than a week it is best to have them on rubber shelf liner, puppy pads, towels or anything else grippy that they can't eat because when they first hatch they don't know the difference between bedding and food
I am glad the duckling is OK
You can give them a short supervised warm bath that they can stand in, I give my ducklings a bath at 2-3 days old and they love it, they are ducks after all
Good luck

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