Rest uncovered in fridge ?


Feb 20, 2021
North Georgia
When you let your bird rest for a few days in the fridge, do you cover it? Or just leave it open? I’m about to do my first one and I think that’s the only question I have left! :)
I wouldn't leave uncovered for more than 24 hours. That being said, leaving a bird in the fridge over-night uncovered is definitely a great way to ensure the skin is as crispy as possible. I air chill my birds after butchering so the skin dries out during that process and then I bag and freeze. I've found that method to work just as well as leaving uncovered before cooking.
I put mine in ziplocs, since I'm usually resting a number of birds at the same time. Also, due to their age, I usually disrobe them.

That said, the last 24 hours, if you uncover, the skin will be crispier - there will be less moisture in it to contribute to the rubbery/leathery chew you sometimes get - but cooking method is more important.

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