Rooster has a vent infection?


Feb 24, 2017
Mountain Home, Idaho
My boy seems to be in pain, and has a hard time pooping. Anything he does poop stinks. Bathing him now to get him cleaned up. What does this look like? How should i treat it? He seems to have a hard scabbed patch under his vent



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It's possibly parasites. They are a common cause of red skin and can cause some scabbing. Though that wouldn't explain having a difficult time passing droppings. They can be especially difficult to spot during the day time. And some don't live on the birds but in the cracks of wood and come out only to feed. Using a flashlight to check after roost is best.

Pretty boy. Hope you get this figured out and he recovers quickly! :fl
It's possibly parasites. They are a common cause of red skin and can cause some scabbing. Though that wouldn't explain having a difficult time passing droppings. They can be especially difficult to spot during the day time. And some don't live on the birds but in the cracks of wood and come out only to feed. Using a flashlight to check after roost is best.

Pretty boy. Hope you get this figured out and he recovers quickly! :fl
The scabbing is only on the vent. I did look him over because that was my first thought. I checked the rest of my flock and everyone else seems fine.
Right now with hot weather, we are seeing a lot of threads with flystrike—maggot infestation around vents and wounds. I would soak his bottom in warm water with either Epsom salts or Dawn/similar dish liquid for about 20 minutes. Look for any maggot larvae in the water, pick them off with tweezers. Then use some plain Triple Anibiotic Ointment or Neosporin. Let us know if you find any. If that is not the problem, he could possibly have vent gleet, a fungal infection.
Right now with hot weather, we are seeing a lot of threads with flystrike—maggot infestation around vents and wounds. I would soak his bottom in warm water with either Epsom salts or Dawn/similar dish liquid for about 20 minutes. Look for any maggot larvae in the water, pick them off with tweezers. Then use some plain Triple Anibiotic Ointment or Neosporin. Let us know if you find any. If that is not the problem, he could possibly have vent gleet, a fungal infection.
Havnt seen any magots. And i would imagine all the dead skin/ scabbing would have been eaten by maggots. I did find something about vent gleet. Can a rooster get that?
If that is not the problem, he could possibly have vent gleet, a fungal infection.
This was another possibility I was thinking and came back to suggest researching. I do think it can happen in males... Just in general, but also because they are usually busy rubbing vents with most females in the flock. While I don't think it's considered contagious... to me a mating rooster does possibly spread things.

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