Rooster has maggots in his foot.


Mar 21, 2021
Hi, two of my Roosters got into a fight through the cage last week. One was out, the other was in. I rotate them once a week so everyone gets a chance to be free in the yard, and while I was making the switch I noticed my rooster toe was pretty badly cut open, and he was limping a little. I brought him inside to clean him up and get a better look, and I noticed something white right in the center of the wound; it was a maggot. Ugh, I let his foot soak and picked out all the ones I could see. Does anyone have any experience in this? What can I use to kill them without poisoning him? Any advice is greatly appreciated. I’ll try to get some pictures right now. Thank You
Maggots only eat dead flesh so they aren't hurting him, but if you leave them in he or other chickens may peck at the wound. I'd use some of the saline in a pressurized aerosol cans they make to clean contacts to flush them out. Once it's rinsed apply antibiotics to the wound and see if you can put a bandage on that will stay on.
Epsom salt soaks and lots of picking. Soak a few times a day, tweeze any maggots you see, pat dry and spray with Vetericyn.
Only one maggot? Look carefully for fly eggs in other areas. Flushing the wound with sterile saline (see image) work great. Dry the foot and apply triple antibiotic ointment 2 x a day for five days. I like to use this stuff as you can squeeze the bottle to apply the fluid in cleansing burst. Yes, it is for the eyes but that is even better because it will not destroy healthy tissue! And it's cheap!


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