Rouen Duck Genders???

Aw-Ee Chicken

In the Brooder
Aug 17, 2015
Crivitz, Wisconsin

Hi! I have two Rouen ducks and one Peking. The white one is a girl, but the Rouens I don't know. We get two eggs a day (a white one from Al the Peking duck and a greenish-white one from one of the others, Archie or Esther).
My brother thinks they're both girls, and that Esther, the smaller Rouen, is just a runt. The rest of us think not, and could use some help determining their genders!
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
How old are they? What do their quacks sound like? Right now, they both look like females to me. Drakes will eventually get curled sex feathers in their tails and will make raspy, quieter noises instead of quacks.
They are both about a year old.
They love to quack really obnoxiously and loudly.
So they're probably girls, since none have the curled feathers, right? Thanks for the input!!
All hens. Pekin not Peking. And the others two are a Rouen and a Mallard that's why she is smaller. Also she has other features that identifier her as a Mallard rather than a Rouen. Such as the shape of her bill, the pattern of her face, and the thinner, more slender legs.
All hens. Pekin not Peking. And the others two are a Rouen and a Mallard that's why she is smaller. Also she has other features that identifier her as a Mallard rather than a Rouen. Such as the shape of her bill, the pattern of her face, and the thinner, more slender legs.

That's why she's smaller! They came from the same place and both were identified as "Rouen". Aren't Rouens mixed with Mallards? Is that why she looks like the Rouen?
Rouens are not mixed with Mallards. There is a big difference between Rouens you get from a hatchery, though, and Rouens you get from a breeder. Hatchery Rouens do often look like oversized Mallards since they haven't been bred for the deep, large bodies that show quality Rouens from breeders have.

No you have a Mallard and a hatchery type Rouen. This is an exhibition/show type Rouen. Not my pic.
Hatchery birds, mallards, Rouens... they are still all very pretty birds! Can't wait for my Rouens to get bigger so I can find out if I have boys or girls :D

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