Scraps for chickens


Jun 2, 2023
North Florida/Panhandle
I know there are mixed feelings about feeding table scraps to your flock but for us it's something we like to do. So far because they are young we have stuck with fruits and vegetables (raw). The other day I considered giving leftover scrambled eggs from my kids' breakfast but decided not to because they were cooked with salt. Was wondering if those who give scraps to their flocks give actual scraps, as in cooked food from the table with seasoning and oils.

I know there are mixed feelings about feeding table scraps to your flock but for us it's something we like to do. So far because they are young we have stuck with fruits and vegetables (raw). The other day I considered giving leftover scrambled eggs from my kids' breakfast but decided not to because they were cooked with salt. Was wondering if those who give scraps to their flocks give actual scraps, as in cooked food from the table with seasoning and oils.

Yes, I scrape plates and if they make it past the dogs, the chickens get them. Everything goes to the compost pile and the chickens pick through it, stir it, season it with chicken poop and then I put on another layer of wood chips.

Now that the kids are gone, our waste stream has shriveled. So when I say scraps, we may have a couple of bites of reject whatever. It's not a lot and certainly not enough to keep the chickens alive. We have the odd rice container that we just didn't eat. Very seldom though.

They like the fig skins, fruit trimmings, trimmed meat and fat (dogs usually, but if there is a lot, the chickens get a share) and any cooked grains, noodles, breads and what not.
Yes, I scrape plates and if they make it past the dogs, the chickens get them. Everything goes to the compost pile and the chickens pick through it, stir it, season it with chicken poop and then I put on another layer of wood chips.

Now that the kids are gone, our waste stream has shriveled. So when I say scraps, we may have a couple of bites of reject whatever. It's not a lot and certainly not enough to keep the chickens alive. We have the odd rice container that we just didn't eat. Very seldom though.

They like the fig skins, fruit trimmings, trimmed meat and fat (dogs usually, but if there is a lot, the chickens get a share) and any cooked grains, noodles, breads and what not.
Thanks for this.

Mine don't free range so they get feed as well as scraps. Scraps are more of a treat, id say. We have young kids so PLENTY of wasted food (Why don't they EAT??) and our dogs have been cutoff from table food now that they are seniors and tend to leave us overnight surprises on the floor when we give them anything other than kibble.
Was wondering if those who give scraps to their flocks give actual scraps, as in cooked food from the table with seasoning and oils.


As long as they have constant access to clean water and a complete chicken feed, I consider it is up to them whether they want to eat the scraps or not. Some scraps they eat, some they skip, some they eat partly and leave other parts.

The other day I considered giving leftover scrambled eggs from my kids' breakfast but decided not to because they were cooked with salt.

Chickens do need some salt. If you look at a bag of chicken food, the nutrition label (at least in the USA) will list how much salt it contains.

For example, Purina's "Start and Grow" chick starter has nutrition facts available here:
It contains minimum .25% salt, maximum .75% salt.
That means some bags may have three times as much as some other bags, but the entire range is considered safe.

Too much salt is bad, and so is too little, but the acceptable range appears to be fairly wide. If you make sure the chickens have plenty of water, they can deal with a bit of extra salt. And if they always have plenty of normal chicken feed, they can choose to avoid salty scraps without having to go hungry.

As long as they have constant access to clean water and a complete chicken feed, I consider it is up to them whether they want to eat the scraps or not. Some scraps they eat, some they skip, some they eat partly and leave other parts.

Chickens do need some salt. If you look at a bag of chicken food, the nutrition label (at least in the USA) will list how much salt it contains.

For example, Purina's "Start and Grow" chick starter has nutrition facts available here:
It contains minimum .25% salt, maximum .75% salt.
That means some bags may have three times as much as some other bags, but the entire range is considered safe.

Too much salt is bad, and so is too little, but the acceptable range appears to be fairly wide. If you make sure the chickens have plenty of water, they can deal with a bit of extra salt. And if they always have plenty of normal chicken feed, they can choose to avoid salty scraps without having to go hungry.

I have 6 chickens and a 5 gallon bucket waterer always available to them, so never a shortage on water. Plus watermelon has been a pretty regular treat these days.
Thanks for this.

Mine don't free range so they get feed as well as scraps. Scraps are more of a treat, id say. We have young kids so PLENTY of wasted food (Why don't they EAT??) and our dogs have been cutoff from table food now that they are seniors and tend to leave us overnight surprises on the floor when we give them anything other than kibble.
Love the dogs and these are the outside dogs. Although the inside dogs get jealous, they are seldom spoiled with table food. Seldom, not never.

The chickens will eat what they need and mine have feed available too. The last couple of butchered hens were fat. I'll be cutting back on rations as soon as the last batch of chicks get to where they need to be. Gotta free feed when you have growing little ones. But us older ones will gorge and put on fat layers. Not desirable, but we are working it out. We are still talking about chickens? No, everyone and all species will do this.
Are chickens will eat just about anything. It has never seem to bother them. They just kind of pick around the stuff they don't like or want.
Staring at my kids’ breakfast leftovers…

Was about to take it out the the chickens but realized this was chicken sausage. Is it ok to give them chicken? I know they are omnivores but this feels…weird?

They do not care.

And if it has been cooked, it is not likely to transmit any diseases to them.

So I would give it to them without worrying, but you certainly could do something else if the "feels weird" is enough to bother you.

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