Silly Question....Do Cocks dust bathe?

Mine do, but they don't seem to revel in it like the hens do. Come to think of it, have you ever heard of a guy enjoying a long soak in a hot tub like most women do?
My SLW rooster Stan, usually patrols the exterior of the pen alone without his hens, and yesterday I was amused to watch him blissfully dust bathing in a trench of pine duff, all by himself in pure ecstasy.
My roo is usually the one taking up the most space under the coop (the chooks favorite dustbath hole is under there). When he sees me coming, he lets out a mild squawk, otherwise I wouldn't even know they are under there.
Same here! He seems to be hogging the best spot.

BTW, no such thing as a silly question! If you had asked me that many, many years ago I would have given you a blank stare!
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