Small air cells at day 14


7 Years
Mar 20, 2012
Grants Pass, OR
I've been marking air cell development on my 2nd set of eggs. From the diagrams I've come across they are looking to wet. The depth from top of egg to air cell is only about 1/4 inch. I've removed as much water as I can without tearing everything apart.

Can I get more evaporation in the remaining week?
If I'm reading this right, you have a week to go before hatch?. 1/4 air cell is way to small this late into the incubation process.. Did you spin the egg around to see if it may be large on one sider (air cells normally don't form straight across the egg, there normally form at an angle) Try to re-candle an egg & turn it slowly around to see if maybe the air cell is larger along one side.

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I have marked them in pencil and they are at a slight angle but nothing near the illustrations I've come across. I've taken all the water I can easily get to and waiting to see what happens in the next 3/4 days. I've been incubating them upright it an egg carton rather than laying them flat.
I've never incubated eggs in an egg carton, so I can't be of much help. The post I've seen suggest that a part of the bottom of the egg carton be removed, but I don't know how much & I don't know if it's even necessary.
How and what are you candling them with. I know with my pheasant eggs i use a mini mag light and candle from the top and can see the air cell real good. Not sure if that helps but the reason i mention that are you being able to see the air cell good enough.
Getting ready for lockdown tomorrow. I marked the air cell level with black marker, thy seem so small for the diagrams I've seen here. There is a dancer in everyone of these eggs but not sure what's going to happen when internal pip takes place, one of these was rocking already.

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We are on Day 14 and our air cells in the eggs are about this size now. We started humidity at 45-50% on the first few days but then decided to lower it to 40% and that is where we have kept it. We are afraid the air cells will be too small come lockdown. Do the air cells get bigger more quickly in the last week or should we decrease the humidity now???
I had very small air sacs in my silkie eggs. I dunno why. Humidity was perfect, they air sac just wasnt growing. They hatched fine though.

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