Some yolks from fresh eggs are watery ,don't hold together after cracking.


5 Years
Aug 18, 2014
Hi , I have about 80 hens, Awesome girls all.In the last couple of months SOME of the eggs when you crack them to use them the yolks just fall apart.Not sure why ,have been doing hens and selling eggs for about 6 years,Never had this . The eggs are fresh too. Any feed back. Thanks. :)
Hi , Feed them regular layer mash.Not the cereal kind the kind that is made of ground grains.I also mix in extra cracked corn and crushed oats,They are free ranging on 10 acres.Thx for reply.
Was there ever any solution to this?? I just started having this problem a month ago. I have about 25 free ranging hens, and suddenly (and randomly) I get eggs that the yolk is watery and runny. I thought maybe it was just one chicken so I cracked open about 50 eggs to see. It seems to be completely random. 2 out of 15 Maran eggs, 3 out of 25 easter egger eggs, and the rest came from my red star hens. I dont get it. I have not changed their feed in over a year. Any ideas?
Was there ever any solution to this?? I just started having this problem a month ago. I have about 25 free ranging hens, and suddenly (and randomly) I get eggs that the yolk is watery and runny. I thought maybe it was just one chicken so I cracked open about 50 eggs to see. It seems to be completely random. 2 out of 15 Maran eggs, 3 out of 25 easter egger eggs, and the rest came from my red star hens. I dont get it. I have not changed their feed in over a year. Any ideas?

Hi @twigsnberries
How old are the hens that are laying these eggs?
What type of feed do you provide?
There are many factors that impact the quality of eggs - age, nutritional/vitamin deficiency, disease, ventilation and on it goes. Since it's random, it could be age related if they are different ages - also free ranging, maybe these certain girls are eating something that the others aren't(?)

The only thing I can think of, is to provide some poultry vitamins a couple of times a week in the water and watch to see if those girls are eating a specific plant?

Here's some information on egg quality
Hi @twigsnberries
How old are the hens that are laying these eggs?
What type of feed do you provide?
There are many factors that impact the quality of eggs - age, nutritional/vitamin deficiency, disease, ventilation and on it goes. Since it's random, it could be age related if they are different ages - also free ranging, maybe these certain girls are eating something that the others aren't(?)

The only thing I can think of, is to provide some poultry vitamins a couple of times a week in the water and watch to see if those girls are eating a specific plant?

Here's some information on egg quality
They are all less than 1.5 years old. It is the strangest thing. I will try the vitamins. Thanks.
I'm having this same problem in New Mexico. I only have five hens who do not currently free range. They are not overcrowded, they have a huge run, get good food, scratch and lots of treats including meal worms. I offer oyster shells as a calcium supplement and crunch up their egg shells to geed them. One of the hens lays eggs with yolks that break the instant they hit the bowl. These same egg's shells are sometimes wrinkled in appearence. I'm really interested in trying to figure out whats going on. I wonder if it's OK to eat these eggs. I googled and someone said maybe it's infectious Bronchitis!!! Any thoughts or info appreciated.

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