Speckled Sussex and Golden Comets


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 27, 2012
Ithaca, NY
Hey there. I'm BRAND NEW to the world of backyard chickens. I have a three and a half year old son, and I thought it would be a fun and educational project raising and caring for chickens. Our local Agway has a shipment of Speckled Sussex and Golden Comet chicks coming in at the end of March, so I put three of each on hold. I did a lot of reading about the Speckled Sussex breed and the Golden Comet sex link / hybrid, and they sounded like well mannered, cold hardy birds that would get along well together in a small flock. The specialist at the Agway store agreed with this.

I'm just wondering:
  • Does anyone have experience with the two different types of birds together in a flock? How was it?
  • Are these two types of birds good choices to have as egg layers that will be friendly to the handlers, especially my three and a half year old son? (obviously, I know he needs to be supervised with them :) )

Thanks in advanced,
Welcome from Central New York. I don't have answers to your specific questions, but my hunch is that you will have lots of fun with your son and the chickens. I know nothing about the golden comets, but have heard that the Speckled Sussex are lovely, and they are on my secret wish list. If you have been reading on this site, you have seen that chickens are addictive. So make your coop bigger than you can envision using, cause no one is immune from the addictive nature of thses great pets!

Have fun.
My speckled Sussex is one of my favorite chickens. She's so soft and such a pretty, easygoing, sweet girl. She doesn't get in my lap but she follows me around. Her laying ability is not impressive (average frequency, small-medium eggs) but she's my strongest forager and very entertaining to watch. She gets along fine with everyone. I don't have any Comets but I do have a few breeds in my flock and there haven't been any issues.
Those are one of the most freindly, best egg layer breeds out there
Thanks so much for the feedback so far. I'm pretty sure I'm more excited for the arrival of the little buggers ad the end of the month than my son is. I have materials to start construction on the coop being delivered Saturday morning.
I forgot to say that Maggie (my SS) lays pinkish tan eggs. Pretty much the same color as the palm of my hand. I understand they range from tinted to light brown.
I used to have both SS and Comets, and they did just fine together. Loved my Speckleds, and want to get more!

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