Stroke or Mareks? 14 year old hen needs help!


Nov 1, 2022
My girl Fluffy is 14 years old, and had been showing her age more than usual lately, while still being happy and eating well. She's had just been having a little trouble walking, but we kept her close to the house and personally give her food so she'd been doing just fine.
Last week I found her basically unresponsive sitting next to our door. I thought she was finally ready to go, so I sat with her for a few hours just waiting basically. She had a seizure during that time, one that you typically see when a bird is about to die, only she didn't. About an hour after that, she opened her eyes and started looking around, then a bit after that she started drinking water and eating again.
I noticed that after this whole ordeal, one of her feet is curled and she can't stand up on it. The hip on that side still moves, but her toes are curled and she can't move them. she's been gaining her strength little by little though, and I've been trying to do a little physical therapy to try and help her be able to stand again.
During all this I just just assumed this was a stroke because of her age. But earlier today I was looking up advice on physical therapy and I came across Mareks disease. For the past while, one of her eyes has had a definite change of color in the iris and she's blind in that eyes. Again, I just assumed that was because of her age. But looking at the symptoms of Mareks that makes me a little nervous. She was definitely vaccinated as a chick however, but is it possible that in her age she could still have gotten it? As far as I know no one else in the flock shows symptoms.
Honestly I just don't really know what to do...
Here are some pictures of her eyes.

Any advice would be great appreciated!! ❤️
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Unfortunately the vaccine does not prevent the disease so yes if could be symptoms of the disease. At this age I don't think it's important to guess what is causing her decline. Focus on keeping her comfortable.
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Here eye does not look like the typical Mareks eye. The pupil is cloudy as a cataract would be, and usually in Mareks, the pupil appears smaller. I have never seen an iris appear that white. Some of her symptoms might be Mareks with the curled toes and lameness, but that could be nerve damage. Right now I would make this hen as comfortable as you can, and give her healthy foods she likes, and enjoy her. Once she dies or if you put her down to prevent her from suffering, I would keep her body cold/refrigerated, but not frozen, and contact your state vet for a necropsy and testing. I would call them now and get details of cost and how to take her in. Some might euthanize her, but many do not. Here is a list of state vets to contact:

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