The Sullivan Six


Artemis seems to have made friends with the wyandotte. This evening when I was playing with the chicks this evening the wyandotte went over to hang out with her. I suspect these two will be at the bottom of the pecking order.
The wyandotte's shoulder feathers are coming in and I thought,finally! She's clearly a black laced red!
But then again, that seems like an awful lot of grey in the wing feathers. So, maybe? She's a really dark blue after all? Guess we'll wait a little longer and see.


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Whoops! Last night while spending time with the chicks I accidentally made a predator alarm call. Someone stepped on my fingers with poopy feet and when I whined "whyyyy" everyone bolted for cover! Artemis and Bibu dove under the feeder and everyone else raced to the far end of the brooder. Poor Paprika hunkered down behind the grass for quite a while before I could convince her it was ok.

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