Things I learned while on vacation


7 Years
Feb 15, 2012
We went on a road trip for vacation, from New Jersey up to Niagra Falls, northern PA through Michigan to northern Minnesota. Here's some of things I've learned. We live in a beautiful country - and I don't think I would have appreciated it if we didn't drive through a lot of it. Also, truckers don't make nearly enough money for what they have to do.... of course, they probably don't have to do it with a 3 year old so it might be easier. I just thought I'd share in case you're not appreciating where you're from. I so wish I could live in a less populated area (and have roosters....) with more greenery around.
Road Trips are the best vacations ever!

You never know what's around the next corner

Of course when your front yard looks like this one may not want to take too many road trips

Wow... beautiful pictures! You're right, no need for a road trip if that's where you are

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