To incubate or not


11 Years
Mar 14, 2008
The girls are not interested in sitting on them. I was waiting to see what they would do. They just lay them all over the yard and not in one spot. I have 17 eggs.

I already have the 5 babies, that I plan to take to a livestock flea market well 4 maybe. Depends on if Crusty is a girl.
I have a feeling they will sell quick b/c the months I was looking, all the ones I found there were already sold. I even got there at 6 am many times and they were already sold.

I can't decide what to do??? Incubate or not???
If they are in that high of a demand there and you can make some $, I say incubate away!!!
Yep, that's what I was thinking. I got my 2 girls after they were already feathered and paid $20 each. All the already sold ones ran about $20 also.

My cornsnakes babies just got pulled from the incubator and I have turned the temp up to get it ready for duckies. Ducks are so messy but if I can hang on until they are feathered and sell them it'll be worth the mess:)
You go! If I had that kind of market here for chicks and ducks, you'd better believe I'd be incubating away!
Ok, think I am. At what age could I put them in with my 4 adults? Until I am ready to take them. That's the only space big enough for that many. Could I put a zip tie on a leg so I know which ones aren't my original 4. Of course I would check zip ties often to make sure they aren't getting tight.
We tried to accidentally introduce an 8 wk. old to my 19 wk. olds the other day (the 8 wk. old got loose some how
) and that didn't go over very well. The older ones chased the younger one. It wasn't good! Can you build a separate brooder area in your coop to raise the ones to sell? You can also buy leg bands at TSC for them.

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