Tumor on chicks right shoulder help


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 29, 2007
I took some chicks in, my best friend is in prison and they have this growth ie tumor on their right shoulder but otherwise seem fine...

what is it?

And there is a duck, no growth and he was fine in my bath tub...

my 2 chicks had it but they dont have the growth so bad...

I am just wondering...

Lighting or???

Please help...

I dont know why they have it...

YES Im an amatuer, at chick raising...

I come here for help and what? Im on other forums... Im just trying to get help fo the chickens I have now...

not conspiracy theories or Planet X...

come on...

I'll have to ask you more questions in order to help....is this tumor located at the front of the right shoulder, or at the back? Is it larger at night than it is in the morning, before the chick starts eating?
I have a feeling that you are seeing the chick's crop. It lies at the front, along the base of the neck. The crop's function is to temporarily store food before it passes to the stomach.
What nobody help me?

What kind of forum is this?

I come here for help but WHAT?

This is what I get?

The chickens I guess are -------! Is that what you want to hear?

Like I dont care or something?
I think that you need to chill out. We are all busy people and don't just sit at the computer all day. Sometimes it takes a little bit for people to answer but when they do you get some great answers.

I am also a beginner on chicks so I can't help you much on answering the question
Sorry... and thanks for talking...

I am so frustrated...

no... I see veins and...

its like a tumor... I have never seen anything like it... veins and fluid and...

God why... and hes gone and Im trying to help his animals...
I understand and am sorry Im am just worried...

They eat and everything with them is fine but...
they have this growth and Im trying to figure out why...

They seem healthy though, but ALL (6 chicks) of them have it and now I have let them in with my 2 healthy chicks... big ones... they have it but small..
What is going on...

Im chilled... just sad... they seem happy though here with me and my coup and Im just trying to figure what is wrong with them and their right shoulders...


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