Turkey congested

tylan 50 injectable. 1 cc into the breast, 1 cc orally, then 1 cc injected for 5 days. avoid the crop. its on the right side. you can feel it,its a lump. i use a 20 guage needle. insulin need will work also. thats what my state vet told me to do. good luck. keep him warm and cozy if possible.....
My turkey had the same congestion problem about 14 months ago. Recently (Monday) I came home and found my Tom face down in the back of the property. He looked dead. I walked over to him and called his name and he jumped up and tried to walk away. Well, he stumbled away instead. I had no idea what was wrong with him. After I caught him, I could tell that he had the same respiratory problem that he had 14 months ago. Because I had prior experience with this problem with him, I knew exactly what to do.

Below describes my 911 medical emergency plan that I have used on my tom before and I used it on him over the last 6 days:

Crusty eyes and nostrils
Chest rattling while breathing
Can't eat
Can't drink
Can barely stand and walk
Diarrhea - white/green poop
Crooked Neck - This is what my Tom looked like 14 months ago when he had his respiratory problem. See pic below.

Tylan 50 - 1.5 cc injection - 3 times a day for 5 days

Soft Diet Plan/Liquid Diet - *Because my Tom was not able to eat, I had to hand feed him the following:
Boiled egg or scrambled egg
Gatorade - Given with a 2 ml dropper into his mouth.
Pedialyte- Given with a 2 ml dropper into his mouth.
Water with a bit of sugar mixed in- Given with a 2 ml dropper into his mouth.

Additional Vitamins
Enfamil Poly-Vi-SolMultivitamin Supplement Drops - 2 ml - 3 times a day


Living Environment:
Remove turkey from other animals
I brought him in the house and let him live in the laundry room
His room was warm and quiet.
I placed puppy pads under him to catch the poop during the night.
I checked on him several times throughout the night

I let my turkey out of the house today into the yard. Once I put him down, he took off running. As of today, he is 95% better. I think in a few more days, he will be 100%. Last Monday he was faced down with 1 foot in the grave. Today when I let him out, he looks like this. PIC BELOW:

In my case, I know that medication alone DID NOT do it for my turkey. My turkey had to have additional vitamins, food and water to keep his strength up. If I would not have hand fed soft foods and put liquids in him, he would have died.

Each case will be different. You will know what your turkey needs based on how your turkey acts. Keep an eye on him and listen to what your turkey is telling you by his actions, eating habits, sleeping habits, poop, etc. If your turkey can still eat and drink, then that is great. If not, then get some food and water in him. Medication alone may not work.

Keep us posted.
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I don't inject Tylan into the breast because it does cause muscle damage. Folks in the peafowl section described alternative sites to inject.
I think that is for tylan 200. but i stuck mine in alternating legs for 6 days twice a day. She did limp a little during treatment.
Thanks for the extra thoughts everyone. Our Turk is not nearly so sick as the one shown in the photos. He is not swollen, is eating, drinking, able to run around. His only symptoms are the very congested sound of his breathing and a cough. We will try the tylan and then add other care as needed. He is my husband's pet so we will do whatever we need to. We've had an extreme cold spell over the last couple of weeks and it must have affected him badly.
I think that is for tylan 200. but i stuck mine in alternating legs for 6 days twice a day. She did limp a little during treatment.

Yes both tylan 50 and 200, or even the 100 will for sure damage the muscle.......tylan is for cattle, small damage to inject site. Just give it oral.

For sure WOULDN'T Inject in leg muscle...if near death i may inject into breast...after all breast muscle would just hurt the flying.....

He may have gapeworms if he acts like something in his throat.....if so worm him with ivomec
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