Wanna take a guess at what these are?

Here's a couple of better (well, except that she wouldn't hold still) pictures of the black and white one ... she does look like your SSH.

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Hi Chirpy,

Yep, she looks like my boy SSH, right down to her face, color of the legs and feathering! How old is she? Damburger hates to have his picture taken as opposed to my Araucana/EE's who love to pose.

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Hi Dawn: I got her as a one week old (approx.) in March so she's around four months old. She's the most skittish chicken we have but she's also the bottom of the pecking order so she's always watching for the other chickens. She does like to stay close to me or whatever person is in the coop as she learned that we will "protect" her from those other nasty birds.

She's my sons - he named her Mrs. Dr. Professor Chirp! She's the inspiration for my log on name.

Thanks for helping me figure out 'who' she is. We picked all our chicks out of a trough at two feed stores. One store know exactly what their chicks were and the other one had no clue. We got her and the white ones from the 'had no clue' store.

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