**WARNING** Ostrich Feather Duster ***DANGER***


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 3, 2012
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
My Coop
My Coop
Hey all,
So you know those ostrich feather dusters? I read somewhere that they are great to put in your brooder for the baby chicks to hide under.
Last year I got some for my chicks and it was great, they loved them!
So this year, I used them again, put them in the little cage our four day old chicks are in and they too love them and sleep and snuggle and hide under them.

Tonight as I went to clean their cage for the night I made a horrifying discovery!
Two of the chicks got tangled in the feathers and twisted them around their necks like a noose!!

One of them seems fine and uninjured, but the other one is injured and her throat is torn a little and was bleeding. I'm not sure she will make it. :(

It never occurred to me that something like this could happen, until it did....

I held the chick and put a small piece of wet paper towel on her throat, I dabbed a tiny bit of veterycin wound spray on it. I got her into a box with a little food and water and she finally did drink a few drops that I placed gently on her little beak.

Still don't know if she is going to pull through, but I wanted to post this warning about the feather dusters.
I had a similar experience last month with my chicks and their mother who is a silkie.
One of the little babies got tangled up during the night and died.
She came running out the following morning with it attached to her. It took an age to separate them :(
Thankfully the rest have been fine.

Hope your little ones are ok. Keep us updated.
Best wishes to you all x

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