Waterproof INSIDE of coop?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 20, 2010
Should/How do I waterproof the inside of my coop? I anticipate a lot of hosing down of the coop and think it would be beneficial if I did this. However, what should I use? Should I just paint it? Would this be ok for the chicks?


Many people paint their coops in preparation for washing, among other things. Use an outdoor rated semi gloss or gloss, not flat. A water cleanup paint is fine.
ddawn: Yes, you say "many people", but what did YOU do?
I painted the inside of both my coops in colors that I like. The chickens don't care what what colors you use. The old coop is yellow inside with navy blue nest boxes.

New coop with light blue (white paint mixed with leftover navy paint) walls, white trim and hot pink (ooops paint) nest boxes.
I hate painting, so I'm going to be lining the inside walls and floor of my new coop with coroplast. It's the corrugated plastic that political signs are made from. I get it from a local sign shop for $15 per 4x8 sheet. Once I panel the walls with it and caulk the seams, it should be super easy to hose out!
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Paint. (Get dust off surface, then thin layer of primer, then 1-2 thin layers of paint. Semigloss exterior paint is a good choice but really anything is better than nothing).

However I still do not think frequent hosing-down is a smart idea. Even with *perfect* waterproofing, you'd be creating a lingering humidity boost; and there is really nothing that repeated hosing-down ACHIEVES that cannot be achieved just as well with normal sanitation (spot cleaning with a rag or brush or whatever).

Thus I cannot see that frequent hosing-out is anything but potentially-mildly-bad for the chickens.



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