Weird lump on cat spay incision


Aug 17, 2020
I don't usually post on here about cats but I cant get help anywhere else. My 6 month old kitten, Merry Gold, had her spay surgery on monday so about a week ago. There has been a hard lump on her belly and it's getting larger. I'm scared it will rip her stitches. It's also slightly red and I hope it's not infected. It is bigger than it looks in the picture. Going to a vet is possible but not for 2 days as today Is a weekend and tomorrow is a holiday and everything is closed.


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Was she in heat when you took her in? Other than looking like a crappy incision, I don’t see anything alarming. Watch for bright redness and pain. A little tenderness and irritation at the incision for a day is normal, in my experience.

Don’t let her jump and run around like a maniac for a few days. As long as she’s acting normal and there’s no sign of inflammation/infection, she’ll likely be fine.
Oh, I missed the one week thing. I’d say you’re out of the woods. If the lump isn’t tender, it is most likely scar tissue or a small hernia. As long as she’s acting normal, I wouldn’t get too fussed about it.

Watch for chewing, as I’m sure it itches a little and any stitches probably feel funny.
I agree with the others, never had this happen to me, but it could very well just be inflammation or scar tissue. I might take her in anyway, just to get an okay from the vet, but I bet she'll be just fine.
Watching or chewing and licking the area, if its excessive, than you may want to use a cone alternative. I prefer something like this, or this instead of cones. I just feel like its got to be way more comfortable, and theres something else I read some were to.
I have never had anything like that happen after a spay to either my cats or dogs. I would take her to the vet when you can but she should be OK for a couple days. Does she have a fever? Is she eating and acting normally? Is it draining?
There isnt any drainage now but there was for 2 days after the surgery. Shes eating normally but I have to put water in her food or she wont drink it. I also give her wet food for more hydration. How do I check her temperature, do I have to buy an animal thermometer from the pet store

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