welsummer point of lay


Oct 19, 2010
California Central Coast
any welsummer breeders know whats the typical age for point of lay? I've got two pullets around 6 months in age. They're about the same size as my almost 8 month olds who've been laying for awhile. They cluck and sing and have red combs, but don't squat and are very skittish.
Still waiting on my almost 26-week-old Welsummers also! They've had red combs for, well, it seems like forever. They still resist the cockerel's advances but he succeeds sometimes (although I suspect it has more to do with his perseverance than their willingness).
I'm glad this is normal. My Welsummer (25 weeks) has had a large red comb and wattles for weeks. I was sure she would be the first in my flock to lay. But my Ameraucana and Barred Rock have started laying and nothing from the Wellie. I was starting to worry. Patience, patience, patience. That's my mantra.
Did your Welsummer ever lay? I have 2 buff orpingtons and 1 welsummer all the same age (born 5/1/11) The Buffs started laying in October but my welsummer still has not laid at all. Does anyone have any thoughts? She's healthy, she eats, she is not a rooster...will she ever lay?

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