What age do roosters act like roosters?


Jun 1, 2021
Cambridgeshire, UK 🇬🇧
What age will a male start acting dominant, leading the flock, and protecting them?

Currently have a 14 week old RIR X White leghorn cockerel who hasn’t crowed yet. As he’s not fully grown he’s smaller than hens and actually gets pecked sometimes by them.
I keep getting cats coming into my garden trying to cause havoc, when will the cockerel step up and become more dominant?
I'm still learning about roosters myself. My Ameraucana cockerel became very protective of the flock at around 6 months. I have a 6 month old brahma cockerel right now who crows and mates but shows zero interest in protecting anyone.

Probably depends on breed and individual. 14 weeks could be a bit young.
I don’t have roosters, but would it be possible for you to trap the cats and take them to the shelter/ somewhere far away from you? I have found that stupid cats go into traps pretty easily.
I don’t have roosters, but would it be possible for you to trap the cats and take them to the shelter/ somewhere far away from you? I have found that stupid cats go into traps pretty easily.
Yeah I try to trap/catch them but they get away to fast, it’s mainly one to be honest. People have told me to Chuck hot water over them but Id find it cruel, I obviously restricted/protect the chicks a lot more now as the cat has had 3.
Would just be nice to not have to worry about it by having a rooster around
Yeah I try to trap/catch them but they get away to fast, it’s mainly one to be honest. People have told me to Chuck hot water over them but Id find it cruel, I obviously restricted/protect the chicks a lot more now as the cat has had 3.
Would just be nice to not have to worry about it by having a rooster around
Set out an animal trap with a can of tuna fish for bait. It work's!
I was thinking about a raccoon trap which is like a big cage that you put food in, and the door closes behind the animal once they enter the cage. I would understand if you didn’t want to do that, though, or if it was already unsuccessful.
Some people shoot cats also but I dont think I could ever shoot a cat, I’m sure other people are the same way.

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