What am I?

Sally PB

Premium Feather Member
Aug 7, 2020
Belding, MI
This is May.

She was hatched last June, and I got her from a breeder. She was sold as a Blue Australorp, but when she was about 4 months old, I realized the bottoms of her feet were yellow. (Don't know how I didn't see that before. 🤦‍♀️ ) Therefore, not an Australorp.

I figured she was a Blue Jersey Giant. She certainly is big. I haven't weighed her, but she is bigger than my other Blue not-Australorp and the Jubilee Orpington of the same age. She's bigger than my Black Australorp hens.

She has some feather shredding going on too. (Sorry for the poor quality picture, but you can see what I mean.)


So maybe there is some lavender in her...? But JGs don't come in lavender. Thus I turn to the collective BYC brain trust to decipher what she might have in her lineage. Any ideas?
She's got lacing, so she isn't a lavender -- at least that's what the experts told me in re: my palest Blue Australorps.

Blue Rocks have yellow skin as do Sapphire Gems and some of the other blue designer hybrids.
Can we see a picture of the bottoms of her feet?
I doubt I can get one without a helper, so it would be a few days. The bottoms of her feet are yellow, though. It was a gut punch when I saw it. (Bad words came out of my mouth too.)

I thought this person was a reputable breeder, but after that I wasn't so sure.

Could well be a blue Australorp cross, a Jersey giant cross or a sapphire gem cross. She's a beaut regardless.
Thank you, I agree! She surely is pretty.

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