What are these white spots?!


Crossing the Road
May 10, 2020
Chester, Nova Scotia
My Coop
My Coop
Yesterday I noticed white spots along the edges of my ardisia plant. I had watered it on Friday and did not notice anything at that time.

Once I discovered these spots I sprayed the plants with my mixture I have mixed up for spider mite (I know this isn’t spider mite but it seems to be a good fix for a few things) it’s 1 gallon of water + 2 tbsp dish soap + 1 tbsp of olive oil. Then today I took a wet cloth and wiped all the leaves down. I left it for a few hours now the white spots are coming back!

At first I thought this was powdery mildew. But maybe mealy bugs, although I thought mealy bugs would be larger? I have never dealt with either. Any plant people that can help I would greatly appreciate it!

**edit to add the ripped spots or tears in the plant aren’t from this issue, it’s from the cat biting it 🤦🏽‍♀️
I think you may be right, to me they look like Mealybugs.
My spray mixture didn't seem to work too well, the white spots seemed to return after a few hours.
Since making this post I have taken a cotton swab dipped in alcohol and wiped all the white spots (and most of the leaves down). This made a big difference but was not 100% effective.
I have also hosed it off twice. I checked it when I got home last night and it looks much much better. I'll hose it off again today.
Damn bugs, if it's not the chickens, it's the plants!

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