What breed is this


In the Brooder
Apr 14, 2024
Hello does anyone know what breed this chicken would be I got them from tractor supply and they said deliwares I’m starting to think differently now they are very lazy and got huge so fast any info helps thanks! IMG_7176.jpeg
It's a Cornish Cross. They're a hybrid meat bird meant to grow very large very fast to be butchered by 8 weeks old.
Thanks for the info! Would these bird be sustainable to keep as laying hens? They just seem quite awkward and lazy cuase they got so huge pretty lethargic
Thanks for the info! Would these bird be sustainable to keep as laying hens? They just seem quite awkward and lazy cuase they got so huge pretty lethargic
Since they're bred for meat, eggs aren't one of their strong suites.
I knew someone years ago that had a cornish cross hen, she laid eggs, yes.
But she had a pretty bad life... She died before a year old to being essentially crippled.
Since they're bred for meat, eggs aren't one of their strong suites.
I knew someone years ago that had a cornish cross hen, she laid eggs, yes.
But she had a pretty bad life... She died before a year old to being essentially crippled.
Darn, all this information helps out a lot I wish they would have been deliwares now I will just have to know what my next steps will be thanks again
Thanks for the info! Would these bird be sustainable to keep as laying hens? They just seem quite awkward and lazy cuase they got so huge pretty lethargic
No, they very rarely live long enough to lay eggs, and the few that do don't lay much, if at all. Because of their fast growth and massive size they're bodies often fail them. Many suffer from weak legs because they can't support their own body weight, and heart and other organ failures because they can't keep up with their growth. Your best option is to butcher them or find someone that can. It is unfortunately their only purpose. You could try and prolong their life by having scheduled feeding times and forced exercise, but that will only work for a year or two, which is very short compared to other chickens that can live 7+ years.
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Thanks for the info! Would these bird be sustainable to keep as laying hens? They just seem quite awkward and lazy cuase they got so huge pretty lethargic

I think the one in your photo is a cockerel (male).

That would be another reason not to keep that bird as a laying hen (in addition to all the breed-specific reasons given by other posters.)

Your best option is to butcher them or find someone that can.
I agree. This is the most practical thing to do, but it is probably the most humane thing as well. Cornish Cross have been bred to grow very big, very fast, but that makes it almost impossible for them to live a normal chicken life and be happy or healthy.

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