What color is this Cochin?


6 Years
Dec 4, 2013
Northeastern Pennsylvania, USA
This girl was the lead hen in our first flock. I named her Honey thinking she was going to be a light golden brown color because I ordered a buff cochin. Once she was full grown this is what she looked like. Do buffs occasionally throw whites or was this just an accident on the hatchery's part? and what color is this considered?
This color is white. To me, it looks like the hatchery made a mistake on your order. Other than the color they are the same though.
Ok thanks
I figured she was white but I wasn't sure because she had the black tail feathers
Are you sure she is a full cochin? i can't see her feet and legs from the picture but she does have black feathers in her tail as well so i wouldn't call her white either. The hatchery's arent known for producing good coloring in their birds.
I am fairly sure she was a full cochin. I ordered 3 cochins that spring - 1 buff and 2 blue. after they were full grown I got this white girl, a black one, and a blue one. But of course they could have messed up at the hatchery.

Here is another picture of her where you can see her feet

and this is a picture of the blue hen I got ... unfortunately I don't have one of the black hen

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