What did you do with your flock today?


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Well, I didnā€™t so much do anything with my flock today, as I did for my flock. I remodeled the coop today. I went from a box, to an open coop. Iā€™m in the SF Bay Area, so mostly pretty mild weather, even in winter. Had to help the girls up on their perches tonight. They were looking for the ramp into the coop. We kept the same nesting box, and kept part of the old box design as an additional nesting box, and thatā€™s where the ramp used to be.
Today I watched my partner - who said "I don't want chickens who sit in your lap to be petted, I just want ones that aren't afraid when you walk near them." sit in the run, pick up the 5 week old BO chick and cuddle her in her lap, then cup her hands underneath and hold her while the chick gradually closed her eyes and fell asleep. *snicker* So much for THAT....

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