What did you do with your flock today?

I can’t remember the exact measurements. I think it was around 8 1/2 feet x 7 1/2 feet?

Cool! The feeders I have are the typical ones you can buy at the feed store.
for the rafters you can use plastic netting. Just to deter them from flying up. Probably the kind of net you put over fruit trees to protect them from birds.

deb (Slowly getting caught up)
Hi my current flock consists of 7 (mum is trying to downsize on the animals). I have a Sussex hen, a silkie x pekin bantam hen, a ?? Rooster (no idea of breed), three mixed breed pullets and a Brahma hen. We got down to 4 and mum was so happy but I wanted more so I got three more for my birthday.
I used to sell my eggs back whenI had over 20 chickens but I can’t cause not enough are laying now
Made me smile. and a belated Welcome to the thread. I am itching to get my coop rebuilt so I can have poultry again.

Gradual introduction of Crèvcœur month-old chicks to bottom run of chicken tractor in the garage with the garage door open...

Used open water and food source while getting the Columbus Aqua horizontal nipples and Royal Rooster feeder with rain cover installed and ready.

Put shavings on half the chicken wire floor and introduced dust bath cat box filled with hemp and a bit of First Saturday Lime, which they loved, and bits of homegrown greens and grass, which they played keep-away with.

They are gentle chickens and excellent flyers but haven't attemped the ladder to the open coop yet, which is fine because the tractor is designed to be on soft, long grass.

They played for two hours and moved back into the brooder. Today we may try outdoors on grass. Part of our acreage is forest and I've seen the baby hawk and three crows this morning, so being overprotective even though the tractor is predator-proof from everything but snakes.

This is the beginning of a breeding program and part of a sustainable farm, so we are eggs-only with extra roosters rehomed as needed. Michele the Cockerel is very obvious--by far my largest bird with his horns already turning red.

Put shavings on half the chicken wire floor and introduced dust bath cat box filled with hemp and a bit of First Saturday Lime, which they loved, and bits of homegrown greens and grass, which they played keep-away with.

They are gentle chickens and excellent flyers but haven't attemped the ladder to the open coop yet, which is fine because the tractor is designed to be on soft, long grass.

Would you mind posting a couple of pictures of the entire tractor? I'm pondering making one.

This was when we first brought it home that is my silkie in it plus it now has hardware cloth around the bottom View attachment 2150704
Is that plastic pipe or aluminum? We might end up making a couple. Oh and I took a bunch of pics of our SFHs, I think I've figured out the pullets from the cockerels. I'll post pics later.

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