What did you do with your flock today?

Nice! I’ve never tried a chicken swing. It seems kinda cool though. My first few chickens had a pecker recker. That was a really long time ago though, so I can’t remember if they liked it or not. It probably scared them, but they were pretty young. XD
My chickens and ducks love it when I hang up heads of lettuce/kale. It’s normally picked clean in a few hours. :p

Good idea. I'm growing kale just for them. :)
Good idea. I'm growing kale just for them. :)
I'm still working on getting the chicks to try lettuce and kale. Worms too for that matter. If I can trick them into trying a new food (I hide it in my hand with just a tiny bit showing, then they grab it fast before someone else gets it) they generally like it but salad hasn't caught on yet.
Today my dad and @room onthebroom helped me do a major clean out of the coop. We also got the rafters closed off, so there should hopefully be less poop everywhere! :woot
There’s still a few things that need to be done, like roofs for the quail and I’ll eventually need to wipe down the gamma buckets, but for now it’s done.

Two of my girls came to check it out while I was working on it.
Today my dad and @room onthebroom helped me do a major clean out of the coop. We also got the rafters closed off, so there should hopefully be less poop everywhere! :woot
There’s still a few things that need to be done, like roofs for the quail and I’ll eventually need to wipe down the gamma buckets, but for now it’s done.
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Two of my girls came to check it out while I was working on it.
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You’re giving me too much credit. I did very little. You’re a hard working kid! :loveYour birds are about to find out they’re sleeping on roosts tonight & not in the rafters... Man, they’re gonna be mad.:lau
You’re giving me too much credit. I did very little. You’re a hard working kid! :loveYour birds are about to find out they’re sleeping on roosts tonight & not in the rafters... Man, they’re gonna be mad.:lau

But you still helped. :p
Let’s hope they don’t try to sleep on one of the cars. I can already see Iris trying to jump up on one. XD
Yesterday was our first real "warm" day since the chicks got moved to the coop. Was worried about them so the husband installed a fan to help with the stuffiness. Also put ice in their water and fed them some frozen fruit (that was defrosted just a bit) It took them a bit to realize that it was food but once they did off they went. It only kind of looked like a blood bath lol

Today I put some more ice in their water and will probably give them more cool fruit in the afternoon. We're working on the run now. Hoping it doesn't take too long, since we're going to be having 105F temperatures this coming week. We're going to put some shade cloth up and put more water out for them so hopefully they'll be all right.

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