What did you do with your flock today?

They tend to be that way half the fun of having them right all the silly antics

Definitely! The first bird I had to get bumblefoot was from my original flock. At the time I was too inexperienced and squeamish to pick it out, so instead I bought her a pair of shoes. After the first day or two of being confused, she wouldn’t stop showing them off to the other birds and people. She was very proud of those shoes. :p
Really that I had never done .. But then my bird fun we retired here 6 years ago
That is when I had chicken math hit ... 6 = 32 maybe 34
Those shoes were great for her as long as it wasn’t hot out. They absolutely can not wear them in the heat. We tried to put a pair on Iris, but the shoes aren’t meant for giant rooster feet & he almost lost a toe. Lesson learned there. Luckily Frankie caught it pretty quick. :bow
Today I played with my baby duckies in my daughter's old doll house 😂

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