What did you do with your flock today?

Is she the one in your avatar? They’re adorable!
Actually no. That's from her first batch this year. Here is some if the second batch. Same hen though for some of the eggs

So far two dads, which is what I wanted since I have the Cochin eggs and a different hens eggs, so yay
They just hop on up and then usually "chicken puddle", our Houdan Spots likes to roll over and really get to relaxing. Sometimes there are fights and I occasionally have all six on me 😂.
Love it! 5 of my 12 chickens are like that. They were brooded together in the house and we spent the most time with them when they were little. Really paid off now as they will jump in my lap and just hang for as long as I let them. Such a lovely experience!🥰
We had the rodeo here lst night with birds Smudge my Marans rooster ended up loose spent the night in our blackberry brambles .. Before letting dogs out this morning went up there found him crowing at the fence in the brambles still wet but followed me talking to him across the yard to his coop he could not figure out how to get to the front but BF grabbed him (He had been watching Smudge follow me) .. by the legs put him in his coop... happy clucks he was doing being set in there
Really I had to change pants have a slicker went out clean banty coop and collect eggs by the time I got to smudges coop looked had rain pouring off the slicker to my pants collected like 9 eggs but crud soaking britches :confused:
Well that bites Penny. Are you dry and cozy now?

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