What did you do with your flock today?

Good to see your familiar name too!!! Needed to take a break from people... or I was taken hostage by chickens... or both!!! It has cooled off a bunch here but I only have arugula and a little lettuce in my garden. :idunnoThe young cockerels hopped my tomato cage and mowed my toms. I have back ups but need a better plan lol. Just enjoying chicken time and the long awaited and very lovely rain storms. Been pretty wet and super lovely here! :love :jumpy
That sounds so nice! I understand the need to take a break, I do once in a while. We had enough rain last night to leave a few puddles but not much. It’s gardening season here, just planted artichokes, garlic, carrots and lettuce. No flock atm.
That sounds so nice! I understand the need to take a break, I do once in a while. We had enough rain last night to leave a few puddles but not much. It’s gardening season here, just planted artichokes, garlic, carrots and lettuce. No flock atm.
Wow! No flock... guess that means you will have time for a fabulous garden ;)
Oh my goodness... my DH did last months chicken $$$ accounting. I'm definitely going to have to start paying cash for some things ;)
Well, gotta clean the poop boards and dust w/ DE this morning, flies are getting nasty with all of the rains. Maybe change some nesting materials. My son nextdoor has a green panic grass growing under his mango trees that my girls love to nest in. Think I will go harvest some and treat them to it. I have been lazy using alfalfa along with my shredded paper.
I have a feed run to do. Not that I need it but if the C19 #'s are going to go sideways I don't want to be out and about any more than I have to. Our feed store is next to the post office where I can pick up my bug light that is waiting for me :D. We had a nice breeze last night and the squitos were blown away till it stopped, then it was thick. Poor, poor chickens. They hate the Ecovet that I spray on their roost and feet, it is strong. Chicken keeping in the tropics has it's challenging moments forsure.
Littles had their first night without heat. One less brooder to clean and it stays clean till I pick up the newbies on Friday or Saturday. :jumpy i'll pay cash, sneak them in and maybe, most likely DH won't even notice lol. Def need to rehome some roosters!

Wishing you all a safe and productive day!!!
@igorsMistress I love Runners!!! Please post photos!!! :love as if I snuck a duck home my DH would maybe divorce me. So, I live through you.
Oh my goodness... my DH did last months chicken $$$ accounting. I'm definitely going to have to start paying cash for some things ;)
Well, gotta clean the poop boards and dust w/ DE this morning, flies are getting nasty with all of the rains. Maybe change some nesting materials. My son nextdoor has a green panic grass growing under his mango trees that my girls love to nest in. Think I will go harvest some and treat them to it. I have been lazy using alfalfa along with my shredded paper.
I have a feed run to do. Not that I need it but if the C19 #'s are going to go sideways I don't want to be out and about any more than I have to. Our feed store is next to the post office where I can pick up my bug light that is waiting for me :D. We had a nice breeze last night and the squitos were blown away till it stopped, then it was thick. Poor, poor chickens. They hate the Ecovet that I spray on their roost and feet, it is strong. Chicken keeping in the tropics has it's challenging moments forsure.
Littles had their first night without heat. One less brooder to clean and it stays clean till I pick up the newbies on Friday or Saturday. :jumpy i'll pay cash, sneak them in and maybe, most likely DH won't even notice lol. Def need to rehome some roosters!

Wishing you all a safe and productive day!!!
@igorsMistress I love Runners!!! Please post photos!!! :love as if I snuck a duck home my DH would maybe divorce me. So, I live through you.
Definitely will! Almost half way through incubating the first batch.

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